Sunday, September 13, 2015

Parlez-vous le fracais?" "Uh...non"

This week we had transfers and....... I'm not in Raglan anymore :(

I got a call on Tuesday to tell Elder To'angutu and I that we were both leaving which is exactly the opposite of what President Rudd told our Branch President earlier that week. We had 1 day to get all of our stuff packed and say our goodbyes which was really hard because we had gotten pretty close to some of the people there. I was really mad about the transfer until I realized that maybe its not about what we want it is what the Lord wants.

Anyway, my new companion is Elder Temenaha from Tahiti and guess who trained him??? Elder Lukens (My trainer)!!!! I am not serving in the Morrinsville Branch but we are actually living in Te Aroha which is like 25 minutes north of Morrinsville. This is a pretty big area with not a lot of people considering that the people who are in our branch mostly live in Morrinsville so we have to drive like 20-30 minutes to visit members who live out on dairy farms because the Sisters cover the main city. It is a small town and everyone seems to know each other which is good for missionary work because once you know someone, you can know everyone!!!!! 

Other than that we got to see a few people this week in Morrinsville and one of the recent converts here has a really cool story, he used to be a part of the Black Power but after speaking with some missionaries he decided to change his life for the better and has gotten out of the gang with his life (they usually will kill you if you try and leave). He is preparing to go to the temple and his son is preparing to go on a mission in a couple years.

Hope all is well back at home and look forward to seeing what this next transfer brings!!!

Elder Mitchell

Attached are a picture of Me, Elder Lukens and Temenaha and one of us with Barney (one of our recent converts) on our last night in town.

This is with Barney

Me, Elder Lukens and ElderTemenaha

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