Kia Ora Family and Friends!
This will be my last email that I will be sending home I just wanted to share my testimony with all you before I return home.
These last 23 and a half months have been some of the best months of my life. I have seen people who have come from some of the worst backgrounds, turn their lives around and accept the gospel. I have seen families on the brink of divorce and seperation turn to Jesus Christ and be sealed in the Temple of Our God for time and all eternity. I know that this church is true, not because of the miracles that I have seen but because of the mighty change of heart that I have seen in others and in myself. The Book of Mormon is the word of God and Joseph Smith DID translate it by the Gift and Power of God.
I love each of you and look forward to seeing you in a short while.
Elder Mitchell
love love LOVE everything about this post! I'm so proud of and happy for you Chuk! What a wonderful thing to have that testimony. You are a great example to so many! Thank you! and WELOME HOME...soon...sorry we can't be there. Lots of love, the Cabarcas/Avila family....(some changes over here... :) )