Sunday, July 5, 2015

"Do you mean the girl ...

....who came up to us when we were running in the park just now and she was looking for her epileptic dog?"

This week...... WE GOT A SET!!!!!

On Saturday we went over to one of our Investigators and taught him the Word of Wisdom and we set him for baptism on the 18th of this month! His name is Barney and we have been working with him quite a bit over the past couple of weeks and he has decided to make that step into the waters of baptism! He has a small problem with coffee and tea but the people he lives with are going to help him out with dropping it which is great to have that kind of support :) 

We had an Unveiling on Saturday at the Marae near Raglan for a guy named Henry Grey. Now some of you may not know what an Unveiling or Marae are so let me explain them too you. 1 year after the funeral of someone of Maori descent (or anyone that belongs to a Marae) they put the headstone on the grave and have a huge kai (feed) to celebrate his life. A Marae is a gathering place for a tribe of Maori people where they have parties and such. The Maori culture here is so fascinating! 

Not much else happened this week for missionary work except we have been knocking on a lot of doors because our appointments keep dropping us but it has given an opportunity to go and try and find people. It is a branch here in Raglan so not many people attend church in fact we had 20 people yesterday which is pretty good for this area. We might be going and hiking a mountain later today if the weather stays good!!!!

All is good here in Raglan!

Elder Mitchell 

Attached are some pictures of Bridal Veil Falls (Yes the same name as the one in Utah) and one of our district

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